Postgraduate Projects

MoodyTunes: UI/UX Enhancement of Mood- monitoring Music-based Application

The alarming rate of depressed individuals is one of the many drives of mental health advocates to find solutions on how they can help manage patients who are either underdiagnosed or refused to seek professional help. With the rise of mobile technology, it is not surprising why some healthcare sectors are choosing this as a solution to problems in inaccessibility to mental health treatment.

MoodyTunes is one of these many tools that aim to manage the mood problems of young individuals using music. In Australia, statistics show that young adults aged 15-25, both male and female, are highly underdiagnosed with depression. Unfortunately, the app has very few downloads that only indicates it is not being used widely. The study come up with improved UI/UX of the app and conducted survey directly from the target age group on what emotions were invoked with the new design.

The study found what these young individuals prefer and look for in an app, aesthetically wise. To be more specific, the study has found out that these young people look for a simple, calming, minimalistic designs with a touch of pastel colors as color accents as these design factors invoked positive emotions on them.

Developed By:
Ma. Pia Leona Satuito